Admin API — Result Codes

The following distinct result codes are used by the Admin API. These codes indicate success or error conditions and are grouped into the indicated categories. Click on the category name to jump to that subset of result codes. Numbers after the name in the link indicate the number of codes in that group.

General (GEN) (10) Edit Child User (EDU) (3)
Authentication (AUT) (7) Move Users Between Groups (MUG) (2)
Account Creation/Deletion (CRE / DEL) (15/3) Create New Administrator (CAD) (6)
Fax Number Assignment (ASG) (3) Delete Administrator (DGA) (3)
Add/Remove Email (EML) (10) Secure Accounts (SEC) (2)
Update Admin or Payee's Contact Information (CNT) (2) Move Groups (MG) (2)
Change the Admin's Password (CHG) (6) Rename Groups (RG) (3)
Resend Welcome Email (RES) (7) Restricted Domains (DRD) (3)
Set User and Account Settings (SUS) (3) Advanced Password Settings (APS) (3)
Create/Delete Group (CDG) (6) Group Settings (GRPS) (3)

General (GEN)

The following result codes cover general circumstances that do not fit into the other focused result code groups.

GEN001 — The operation succeeded.

GEN002 — The operation failed due to an internal error.

GEN003 — The API version passed in is not compatible with the version deployed on the server.

GEN004 — The user name passed in is not formatted properly.

GEN005 — The email address passed in is already in use by another user.

GEN006 — Required parameters to the method call are missing. The names of the missing parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

GEN007 — Invalid group name.

GEN008 — Group is not a child.

GEN009 — User is not a child.

GEN010 — Send is not enabled for child account.

Authentication (AUT)

The following result codes cover authentication errors.

AUT001 — The administrator is not allowed to login.

AUT002 — The administrator ID or password is incorrect.

AUT003 — The administrator is locked out.

AUT004 — The administrator's brand is not allowed to access this service.

AUT005 — The given user name is not associated with this account (improper credentials).

AUT006 — This group administrator does not have access to this service.

AUT007 — SOAP calls are disabled for this account.

Account Creation/Deletion (CRE/DEL)

The following result codes cover account creation or deletion errors.

Account Creation

CRE001 — The maximum number of fax numbers (DIDs) have been added to the parent account. Contact Consensus to have this number increased.

CRE002 — The given email is not in the restricted domains list for this account.

CRE003 — The given restricted domain already exists.

CRE004 — The given restricted domain does not exist.

CRE005 — It is not possible to obtain a fax number for the new user.

CRE006 — There are required members missing from the customerInfo parameter. The names of the missing members are in the statusMessage of the returned SoapResult.

CRE007 — There is an error in the createPrefs parameter. Detailed information on the error is in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

CRE008 — The fax number designated for assignment to the new user is not owned by the parent account.

CRE009 — The email address given for the new user is already in use by another user (email addresses must be unique).

CRE010 — Unknown ISO country code.

CRE011 — Customer Service has temporarily locked your account.

CRE012 — The country code or area code is invalid.

CRE013 — Number is owned by another child account.

CRE014 — No fax numbers available in this location.

CRE015 — There is an error in the customerInfo parameter {0}.

Account Deletion

DEL001 — The administrator tried to delete himself.

DEL002 — Either the username or the customerKey must be specified for the account to be deleted.

DEL003 — The account cannot be deleted.

Fax Number Assignment (ASG)

ASG001 — The recipient of the number is not specified. Use the recipientUsername or recipientCustomerKey parameters of the assignFaxNumber_v1 method to specify the recipient.

ASG002 — The recipient specified is not a child of the given parent account.

ASG003 — The fax number to be assigned is not owned by the parent account.

Add/Remove Email (EML)

EML001 — Email exists error (the new contact email is the same as the current one).

EML002 — The email domain is restricted.

EML003 — The service type is not valid, should be SEND or RECEIVE.

EML004 — The action is not valid, should be ADD or REMOVE.

EML005 — The maximum number of emails has been reached.

EML006 — The service type doesn't exist on this child account.

EML007 — Invalid data.

EML008 — Changing email has been disabled.

EML009 — The supplied email not found on the account.

EML010 — There must be at least one last email associated with the account.

Update Admin or Payee's Contact Information (CNT)

CNT001 — Required parameters to the method call are missing. The names of the missing parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

CNT002 — Required parameters to the method call are invalid. The names of the invalid parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

Change the Admin's Password (CHG)

CHG001 — Successfully changed admin password.

CHG005 — The new password contains an invalid character.

CHG006 — The new password is too short (less than the minimum of 4 characters).

CHG007 — The new password is too long (more than the maximum of 16 characters).

CHG008 — Invalid password format not set. User is asked to "Please enter a password consisting of {0}-{1} alpha-numeric characters and the following punctuation characters: \! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > [ ] ; : ? { }. The password must not include any spaces.

CHG009 — Invalid password format set. Password does not meet the following requirements. It must be between {0} and {1} characters. It must contain a minimum of {2} uppercase, {3} numeric, and {4} punctuation character(s). Punctuation can be \! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) < > [ ] ; : ? { }. The password must not include any spaces.

Resend a Welcome Email (RES)

RES001 — Successfully resent welcome email.

RES002 — Successfully resent a welcome email to all child accounts.

RES003 — Cannot find the specified fax number.

RES004 — Unable to resend a welcome email to userName.

RES005 — Unable to resend welcome emails to all child accounts.

RES006 — Administrator does not exist.

RES007 — Failed to send welcome letter to admin userName.

Set User and Account Settings (SUS)

SUS001 — Required parameters to the method call are missing. The names of the missing parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

SUS002 — Required parameters to the method call are invalid. The names of the invalid parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

SUS003 — The attempt to set the user or account settings failed.

Create/Delete Group (CDG)

CDG001 — Invalid mode: {mode}.

CDG002 — There is no such group: {group}.

CDG003 — Successfully created group: {group}.

CDG004 — Successfully deleted group: {group}.

CDG005 — Could not create group: {group}.

CDG006 — Could not delete group: {group}.

Edit Child User (EDU)

EDU001 — Required parameters to the method call are missing. The names of the missing parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

EDU002 — Required parameters to the method call are invalid. The names of the invalid parameters are in the statusMessage member of the returned SoapResult.

EDU003 — The fax number to add to the child account is invalid.

Move Users Between Groups (MUG)

MUG001 — The following required members of the moveUsers method were missing: {0}.

MUG002 — The following required members of the moveUsers method were invalid: {0}.

Create New Administrator (CAD)

CAD001 — Invalid group name.

CAD002 — Group already has an administrator.

CAD003 — Group is not a child of this account.

CAD004 — Group administrator is not a child.

CAD005 — Invalid access parameter should be either (hidden, visible, disabled).

CAD006 — The following members of the createAdmin method were invalid: {0}.

Delete Administrator (DGA)

DGA001 — Cannot delete self.

DGA002 — Cannot delete super administrator.

DGA003 — Account is not a child.

Secure Accounts (SEC)

SEC001 — Secure notification email not sent.

SEC005 — Secure account look-up not found.

Move Groups (MG)

MG001 — The following required members of the moveGroups method were missing: {0}.

MG002 — The following required members of the moveGroups method were invalid: {0}.

Rename Groups (RG)

RG001 — The following required members of the renameGroup method were missing :{0}.

RG002 — Group to rename does not exist.

RG003 — New name for group already exists.

Restricted Domains (DRD)

DRD001 — Default restricted domain set successfully.

DRD002 — Default restricted domain does not exist.

DRD003 — Default restricted domain is invalid.

Advanced Password Settings (APS)

APS001 — Password contains digits only.

APS002 — Password does not meet minimum or maximum character limitations.

APS003 — Password does not contain minimum number of digits.

Group Settings (GRPS)

GRPS001 — Settings are missing parameters.

GRPS002 — Settings contain invalid parameters.

GRPS003 — Settings failure.

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